Diesel & RoadForce®

Product Offering


Sprague is proud to offer ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) to a wide range of customers who depend on consistent, quality products. We have dedicated systems in all of our terminals to protect the integrity of the fuel, and we take pride in having a consistent supply that you can rely on. We also offer diesel delivery with a process that's reliable and straightforward. In addition to our standard-grade ULSD and biofuel blends, Sprague offers a proprietary blended premium diesel fuel–RoadForce®.

Sprague has championed advancements in transportation and heating fuels to reduce environmental footprints for its customers. As a natural progression, renewable diesel (RD) emerges as the next step in reducing emissions and embracing renewable energy without the need for costly investments in new infrastructure.


Sprague’s proprietary RoadForce® premium diesel fuel offers field-proven enhanced engine performance. Helpful not just during the challenging winter months, RoadForce® premium diesel fuel is designed to maintain the integrity and quality of ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel throughout every season. It is rigorously tested to ensure every batch meets our strict standards and maintains the quality our customers have come to expect.

Year-Round Fuel Performance

  • Keeps injectors clean
  • Improves fuel economy
  • Improves winter operability
  • Lowers exhaust emissions
  • Lowers CFPP and Pour Point
  • Helps eliminate water from fuel tanks
  • Reduces dependency on kerosene blending
  • Disperses wax during extended engine shutdowns
  • Cleans and prevents injector deposits in high pressure rail systems
  • Improves your bottom line by saving money and time

RoadForce History:

In 1989, Sprague began offering RoadForce®, a fuel with added components to improve the life and performance of your diesel engine. Originally embraced given its ability to lower the colder weather operability of engines, customers have come to realize the additional additives deliver year-round performance benefits. In early 2018, Sprague began offering a new, improved RoadForce®. This improved RoadForce® addresses the new challenges of today's High Pressure Common Rail engines and the stringent demands from the EPA.

Guidelines & Best Practices:

Suggested diesel fuel fleet tank maintenance:

  • Check and change your fuel and air filters as needed
  • Monitor water separators daily (drain if necessary)
  • Drain saddle tanks
  • Fuel trucks before use
  • Allow machines to idle for short time to warm up the hydraulics and engine

Suggested diesel fuel storage tank maintenance:

  • ​Check for and remove free water
  • Inspect fill & vapor caps for damage and missing gaskets (replace if necessary)
  • Keep fuel storage tanks topped off
  • Have tank periodically cleaned
School buses prepare for another school year

Additional Helpful Tips:

  • Be sure your diesel fuel is coming from a reliable supplier and through a reputable hauler
  • Ensure there is no lingering summer-grade diesel fuel in tanks or left in fuel lines.
  • Use a CFI (Cold Flow Improver) pre-treated premium diesel fuel like Sprague’s RoadForce® before temperatures drop. Our RoadForce® Premium Diesel Fuel already has the recommended additive treat ratio of 1:750 so you don’t have to, and shouldn’t, additionally treat your fuel.
  • Establish and follow a Preventive Maintenance (PM) program to reduce/avoid breakdowns with additional benefits that include:
    • Improved equipment and system reliability
    • Reduction of downtime
    • Decrease in expensive parts replacement
    • Extended equipment life
    • Improved resale value
    • Better parts inventory management
    • Regular machine/vehicle inspections to include (but not limited to):
      • Fuel and air filter changes
      • Fluid checks
      • Exhaust systems
      • Repair
      • Maintenance

Current RoadForce® Results

Sprague RoadForce® Premium Diesel Specifications

Terminal Current RoadForce® Kerosene Content % RoadForce® CFPP F° RoadForce® Cloud Point F°
S.Portland, ME 0% 03/29/2024
Newington, NH 0% 03/29/2024
Rensselaer, NY 0% 10° 03/29/2024
Springfield, MA 0% 11° 12° 03/29/2024
Quincy, MA 0% 14° 15° 03/29/2024
East Providence, RI 0% 03/29/2024
New Haven, CT 0% 11° 12° 03/29/2024
Bridgeport, CT 0% 10° 03/29/2024
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This sheet lets our customers know what our latest winter operability results are for our RoadForce® premium diesel fuel. Sprague tracks this data until the end of the winter season.

CFPP: Cold Filter Plugging Point. (ASTM D-6371/45μm filter) The temperature at which a fuel will cause a fuel filter to plug due to wax which has begun to crystallize or gel. The CFPP is considered by Sprague to be the true indicator of the diesel fuel's low temperature operability. All temperatures reported in Fahrenheit.

Cloud Point: (ASTM D-5773) The temperature at which wax in diesel fuel becomes cloudy when it is cooled. Wax is inherent in diesel fuel. As the fuel is cooled, the wax will crystallize, forming platelets that clog fuel filters. Typical diesel fuels will fail at temperatures near the cloud point. RoadForce is specially formulated to operate well below the cloud point. This is accomplished with wax crystal modifier additives that break down the wax into microscopic fragments, allowing them to pass through the fuel filter. All temperatures reported in Fahrenheit.

Historical RoadForce Results

Customer Testimonial

As an end-user for our fleet of over 50 trucks and 40 pieces of heavy equipment, switching to exclusively RoadForce® in the middle of the cold spell last winter put a quick end to what had been a growing number of fuel quality problems. Fuel filter gelling was minimized to almost zero in a matter of days, and we were able to see a dramatic savings in fuel filters for both trucks and equipment. In addition to the increase in fuel quality noticed by our mechanics, drivers of our heavy trucks reported winter fuel mileage increases of 1mpg and greatly improved cold starting ability. RoadForce® without a doubt decreased our downtime and ultimately led to improved customer relations and higher profits.

As a wholesaler, switching to RoadForce® made increasing our sales extremely easy. With first hand experience of the benefits of RoadForce® in our own fleet, the confidence of our sales team in bringing the product to customers sky rocketed. Our commercial diesel customer base has grown significantly and become very loyal to the product.

- Michael MacPhail at North Atlantic Excavation (NAX) and Atlantic Fuels

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does RoadForce® improve lubricity?

By helping meet ASTM and EMA industry lubricity standards (<520, <460 micron rating), improving a fuel's lubricity rating by up to 100 micron.

How is the Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) determined?

Fuel is drawn through a standard micron-sized filter into a measured column under a controlled pressure in decreasing five-degree increments
• A maximum time is allowed for the fuel to completely fill the column
• The point at which the fuel fails to flow in the maximum allowed time is the Cold Filter Plugging Point
• Field testing demonstrates that this point closely corresponds to actual fuel system failures in the field

What is Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP)?

The temperature at which a fuel will cause a fuel filter to plug due to wax which has begun to crystalliize or gel. The CFPP is considered by Sprague to be the true indicator of the diesel fuels low temperature operability.

What is Cloud Point?

The temperature at which wax in diesel fuel becomes cloudy when it is cooled. Wax is inherent in diesel fuel. As the fuel is cooled, the wax will crystallize forming platelets that clog fuel filters. Typical diesel fuels will fail at temperatures near the cloud point. RoadForce® is specially formulated to operate well below the cloud point. This is accomplished with wax crystal modifier additives that break down the wax into microscopic fragments allowing them to pass through the fuel filter. (ASTM D-5773)

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