Delivered Products

Since 1870, we’ve built our business on long-standing relationships with extensive delivered fuel offerings. We take the time to provide exceptional customer service, industry-leading market intelligence, online purchasing, and pricing options for your delivered fuels.

Sprague serves a wide variety of customers with a range of delivered fuels including: 
  • Heating Oil - standard, Heatforce® premium heating oil, BioHeat® alternative fuel (Ask us about the NYS B20 Tax Credit and how you can put $$ back in your pocket!)
  • Diesel - Ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD), Roadforce® premium diesel fuel, Biodiesel alternative fuel
  • Gasoline - regular, mid and premium grade, E85 biofuel alternative blend
  • Residual Fuel - #4 and #6 fuel oils with a range of sulfur specs
  • Marine and Bunker Fuel - Valvtect® marine diesel and gasoline; bunkers only calls
  • Aviation Fuel - Jet fuel (Jet A1, Turbine fuel, Avjet)
  • Kerosene - Clear and dyed Ultra low sulfur kerosene (ULSK); low sulfur kerosene (USK)

Markets We Serve

We supply businesses with a variety of fuels across multiple locations throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Simply enter your zip code below, or click on your state to the right, to see if we currently deliver fuels in your area. Even if you don’t see your location, give us a call or send us a note to see if we can work together. Let us see if Sprague can make a difference in your energy portfolio.

Partner With Sprague

Sprague offers a complete menu of services designed to meet your delivery fuel and account management needs. We pride ourselves on customer service that is second-to-none, with local account managers and customer care.